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Services Offered

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling sessions with students are available and can help students with social, emotional or academic needs. Typically these are structured to be short term and solution focused. A general guideline is that after three sessions regarding the same issue, resources would be provided to seek outside professional services.

Small Groups

Small groups are available to help students adjust to changes in their lives, develop skills for solving conflict, learn how to be a better student, increase self-control, and improve self-esteem.

Classroom Lessons

Classroom lessons are offered every other week when meeting in-person and weekly while in the virtual environment. The curriculum is designed to help students better understand themselves, develop and improve social skills, healthy communication, setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries, making healthy choices, and promoting resilience. 


Every student and family is different. There is no such thing as a "normal" student or family. Everyone's needs change from time to time and I am here to be a resource to help best meet the needs of all students and their families. I'm happy to consult with parents, guardians, and school staff on how to best meet student needs.

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